Charlie Plummer & Tom Urich |
Tom Urich, after accepting the Eva Parnell award, related how important she was to his career |
Reunion chair Pete Bissman |
Pete ('63) & Zandra Berkobein |
Bill "O'Hara" Felker ('59) |
Judy and Gene Ireland ('63) |
Hoyt & Merri Ann (Lauterwasser) Mohr ('60) |
Ruth and Herb E. ('64) Shaw |
Matt ('64) & Pat ('63) (Cinson) Tierney |
Tom addressing his classmates |
Tom ('26) with wife Judy McCauley Urich ('61) |
Reunion co-chair Pam Stephens |
John ('62) & Fran McLean Berry |
William D. "Bill" Gish ('64) |
Edward G. "Ed" ('63) & Anita Marks |
Charles Plummer ('61) |
David Silvian ('61) |
Ralph "Fred" Weber ('62) & his wife |
Tom shares a story about his career |
Charlie Plummer presents Pete Bissman with artist rendition of Crosley Field |
Guest Dr. Manfred Wolfram, E-Media Director CCM |
Pete Bissman ('63) |
Michael A. Hoedel ('66) and wife |
Lynn ('63) & Carol McIntosh |
Thomas A. Rader ('65) |
Pam (Swartzel '61) & Bill Stephens |
Sherry & James E. Weir ('65) |